Address Imperfections With Beautiful Dental Veneers In Aurora, Ontario

Do you have a smile imperfection that you would like to fix? At Skyview Family & Cosmetic Dentistry in Aurora, ON, we understand that every smile concern is important as it affects how you perceive your appearance and confidence level. Dental veneers are a great way to enhance your smile and boost your self-esteem. We can help you achieve the beautiful smile that you have always wanted.

What are dental veneers and how do they work?

Veneers are tough yet thin shells that your dentist in Aurora bonds to your teeth. They are usually comprised of natural-looking porcelain so they can blend in with your smile. Dental veneers are ideal for addressing…

  • Chipped, fractured, and broken teeth
  • Stained and discoloured teeth
  • teeth with imperfections in size or shape.

Dental veneers are highly resistant to discolouration caused by tobacco and beverages such as tea, coffee, and red wine.

The history of dental veneers

In 1928, a dentist named Dr. Charles Pincus created the first veneer. Many of his patients were celebrities who needed more attractive smiles for their acting roles. He placed an acrylic material with a unique adhesive on the tooth's surface. Stars like Shirley Temple only wore them for their time on camera and then took them off.

How much does it cost to get veneers in Ontario?

The cost of dental veneers in Ontario can vary depending on several factors, including the material used (porcelain or composite), the complexity of your case, and the number of veneers required. At Skyview Family & Cosmetic Dentistry, our team will provide personalized consultations to give you a clear understanding of the costs and options tailored to your needs

Are dental veneers right for you?

Call us at Skyview Family & Cosmetic Dentistry team for a no-obligation consultation today. We’ll consider your goals and any concerns you may have before recommending the proper treatment for you. Your satisfaction – and long-term oral health – matter to us.

Contact Skyview Family & Cosmetic Dentistry About Dental Veneers Today!

  • Say goodbye to imperfections
  • Achieve a natural-looking result
  • Complete the procedure in just two visits
  • Experience a minimally invasive procedure
  • Boast a beautiful new smile!