Bruxism Treatment Can Alleviate Tooth & Jaw Pain

Tooth grinding and clenching are common issues that affect more than 90% of the population at some point in their lives. If you are experiencing these oral problems, our team at Skyview Family & Cosmetic Dentistry in Aurora, ON, can provide effective bruxism treatment to help you put an end to it.

The different types of bruxism

Grinding can occur in the daytime or at night. During the day, grinding usually happens when you are stressed, frustrated, or concentrating on a task. At night, it happens while you’re asleep, completely unaware of what’s going on and unable to control it. This can cause numerous issues, including:

  • Worn-down tooth enamel
  • Weakened crowns & fillings
  • Sores on the insides of cheeks
  • Tiredness due to lack of sleep
  • Eroded teeth
  • Headaches when you wake up
  • Pain and stiffness in your jaw.

Your Aurora dentist’s bruxism solution

Mild bruxism only happens once in a while. However, if it becomes a recurring problem, then treatment in the form of a custom-made nightguard may be recommended. These night guards act as a barrier between the teeth, reducing the tension and cushioning the jaw muscles.

Nightguards available over the counter at the local pharmacy don’t offer the same snug, comfortable fit that we can provide with a customized nightguard. Depending on the condition of your teeth, we may also advise some repairs due to damage caused by grinding.

Is it time for you to see us about bruxism treatment?

If ignored, bruxism can cause costly damage to your teeth. If you believe you suffer from bruxism, give us a call today. Don’t take your chances. Protect your smile!


Contact Skyview Family & Cosmetic Dentistry About Bruxism Today!

  • Get a full night’s rest
  • Avoid further damage to teeth
  • Curtail morning headaches
  • Save on costly dental treatments
  • Wake up refreshed and ready to start your day!